Connecticut Insurance Licensing
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Earn Your Connecticut Insurance License With Our Connecticut Pre-Licensing Courses And Exam Prep Materials

Searching for Connecticut Insurance Licensing courses or classes to earn your Connecticut Insurance License? Then you've come to the right place! offers Connecticut Insurance Licensing courses approved by the Connecticut Department of Insurance for those individuals who are interested in becoming an Insurance Agent or earning some other type of Insurance License in Connecticut.
Insurance Licensing is regulated at the state level and, as such, each state government establishes its own insurance licensing requirements and examination procedures.
To find the right state-approved course for you, simply select one of the recommended courses below. For additional options, you may search under "Licensing" in the search box below for your desired Insurance License, select 'Connecticut', and press 'Go!'
Connecticut Department of Insurance - Licensing DivisionAddress: P.O. Box 816 | Hartford, CT 06142-0816
Phone: 860.297.3845
Fax: 860.297.3978
Email: ctinsdept.licensing@po.state.ct.cus
Website: FacilityProvider: Prometric
Phone: 800-341-3257
Website: Training Courses:
Online Training Courses
Instructor-Led: Webinars
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This information is based on state laws and regulations, and is subject to change. ABTrainingCenter makes every effort to make sure this information is current and accurate, however, ABTrainingCenter is not engaged in rendering legal or professional advice and shall not be held responsible for inaccuracies contained herein.