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Our blog page covers topics related to the Human Resouces (HR) industry.

In it, you'll find information of national interest, such as current HR trends, industry updates, new HR products reviews, and access to Human Resource training, including online training, seminars, webcasts, audio conferences, and podcasts - all designed for you, the busy professional!

We also cover key HR compliance topics such as COBRA, HIPAA, FMLA, Retirement Plans, Compensation, Workforce Management, and employee development.

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An Excessive Need To Be

We use our ideas of who we are to rationalize all kinds of behavior. Letting go of limiting definitions lets us do our best work.

Mark Reiter is a top literary agent and a master with words. Mark and I worked together on my new book, What Got You Here Won't Get You There. In the book, we discuss 20 annoying habits of successful people-and then talk about how to break these habits and achieve positive, lasting change in behavior.

One of the 20 habits discussed in
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The Missing Link to Your Referral Success

I have come to the realization that many business owners and sales professionals (and most other people for that matter) don't operate from a Prosperity Mindset. They either don't have a clear vision of what abundant prosperity looks like to them or they don't really want it bad enough to do what it takes to get there. Call me naive, but when I first started teaching my referral system, I assumed that everyone in sales and business had a Prosperity Mindset; that everyone wanted to achieve a
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Top Ten Tips to Manage What You Say Before You Speak

  1. Become a student of Impression Management. Decide what impression you want to make in your business and personal interactions, and then learn how to make that impression through your appearance and behavior.

  2. Identify the unconscious messages that every color sends and determine how those messages fit into your master plan. Know what colors say power and authority, dependability, calmness, excitement, ordinary, cleanliness and much, much more.

  3. Recognize how the
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Earth Day, The Space Program, and Teleworking

They don't seem to go together, do they? That's what I thought too until I researched the history of Earth Day (April 22nd). It just so happens that Earth Day was born in 1970, which was also the year of Apollo 13, NASA's infamous successful failure. Where does teleworking or virtual assisting come in and how does it relate to our space program? I'm so glad you asked!

Several weeks ago we watched a Discovery Channel piece on Apollo 13. As we watched, it occurred to me that our very
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Go Green by Hiring Teleworkers

Earth Day is held each April 22 but its purpose to promote a healthy environment is evident every day.

Whether it's a newspaper, radio, television or computer screen, warnings of how we're damaging the environment and messages on how to fix it are widespread. It seems everyone is "going green" in one way or another. Hybrid cars, canvas bags at the grocery store, energy efficient light bulbs, you name it, there's a way to go green.
It has many businesses wondering the most
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1. Bud to Boss

2. American Speaker Training Camp

3. Leadership Training Camp

4. Overcome The Five Fatal Flaws That Get In The Way Of Near-Miss Reporting

5. Social Media: Putting It To Work For Your Organization

6. Long Distance Relationships: How To Manage Employees From Afar

7. Thank God it's Monday! Transform Dysfunctional Behaviors To Create a Workplace You and Your Customers Love

8. Effectively Influencing Decision Makers: Ensuring That Your Knowledge Makes a Difference

9. Making Sense of Credit Default Swaps

10. Are You Winging It with Your Client Service? Believe Me-Your Clients Can Tell

11. Are You Winging It with Your Client Service? Believe Me-Your Clients Can Tell

12. Cost Recovery: Improve Your Bottom Line without Cutting Costs

13. The Accountability Challenge - Holding Advisors and Agents to High Expectations and Great Results

14. Reaching the Hard-to-Reach, Top-Notch Prospects

15. 10 Proven Ways to Get Referrals Without Asking

16. When And Where To Begin Marketing

17. Finding Great Partners

18. Guerrilla Insights

19. Cost Recovery: Improve Your Bottom Line without Cutting Costs

20. Bank Account Blues

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