Looking To Obtain A Life And Health Insurance License?
AB Training Center offers state-specific Life and Health Insurance pre-licensing classes, as well as exam prep courses for individuals seeking their Life and Health, Life Only, or Health Only Insurance License.
Recommended Insurance Pre-Licensing Courses: State Requirements For A Life & Health License
Many states require a specific number of pre-licensing education hours before you will be allowed to sit for your state insurance exam. We provide the necessary pre-licensing courses (in classroom, online and self-study formats) that satisfy the individual state requirements. Once a pre-licensing course has been successfully completed, you receive a certificate of completion that will allow you to schedule and sit for your state exam.
In some states, however, there is no pre-licensing education requirement. In these states, you simply need to choose your desired study format (usually online or self-study in most states) you wish to use for your Life and Health Insurance Exam Prep. Once you have completed your studies and feel you are prepared to take the state exam, you will schedule with the appropriate testing facility in your state.
To view your state's Life and Health pre-licensing and/or exam prep requirements and available courses, click the applicable state link below.